Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blog 9

I think that using the web to teach a course is a very good idea. Having somewhere that teachers, students, and parents can't turn to when you're unreachable is something that would help possibly straighten out some confusion. I don't know that my understanding has necesarily though on any web topics.

Blog 8

I learned in this class that websites take a lot more time than remembered they did to create. The biggest thing for me was trying to remember how to most of things I used to be able to do. The one problem I had was using the latest version of Dremweaver when the last i used was Dreamweaver 6. I did find the couple of books I got to be pretty useful when it came to creating the button that leads you into my site. One other thing that is useful is to keep a similar layout throughout the pages and use that as a template so your site looks uniformed on the way it is done.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

7 websites with video

Some of the websites I go to that use videos to enhance what the content are about are cnn, myspace, and nbc. Cnn is good about using video for interviews as well as news stories. myspace uses videos to show movie previews as well as music videos, comercials and other things. I go to nbc frequently to watch my missed episodes of heroes, since it is on monday nights at 9 and i usually miss most of it. Some things I don't like about some of these sites and there use of video is that myspace usually has alot of videos that start automatically and makes the pages load a lot slower.