Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Website blog 3

For the website I am going to create, it is going to be a Flash site. I haven't exactly done one of these in a long time and I can't exactly everything it entails since its been so long. For my pages I plan to have my own homepage explaining a little bit about me and what idea along with links to my other pages including school stuff such as: a class that I want to teach one day with a syllabus and an e-mail for people to contact me. Other pages that will be included will be a warcraft page, a page showing some of airsoft adventures, and one showing my educational experiences to date. This site will be somewhat interactive when i'm done through the use of flash. This site is targeted to a variety of audience depending on the area. My biggest challenge will be relearning flash and the other tools needed and getting myself to do the work. Overall this will be something that will help me in the future.
Blogs I commented on include Janet and Connor's


Brad Pierce said...

I can't imagine using flash. I'll be lucky to put together n html site that doesn't look like chicken scratch.

chevyluvs112 said...
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chevyluvs112 said...

Your site sounds simple just like mine will. Well, with the exception of the flash part!

onegirl4u said...

what exactly is a flash site??? hmmm.... are you showing off again, adam??? lol....

Culver said...

I'm excited to see your flash site. It should be pretty good.