Wednesday, May 16, 2007

7 websites with video

Some of the websites I go to that use videos to enhance what the content are about are cnn, myspace, and nbc. Cnn is good about using video for interviews as well as news stories. myspace uses videos to show movie previews as well as music videos, comercials and other things. I go to nbc frequently to watch my missed episodes of heroes, since it is on monday nights at 9 and i usually miss most of it. Some things I don't like about some of these sites and there use of video is that myspace usually has alot of videos that start automatically and makes the pages load a lot slower.


KrysMcc said...

It is very nice that you can now watch missed tv shows from the internet. If for some reason I am going to miss desperate housewives on sundays I always know I can watch it on This way I dont have to worry about being lost for the next episode.

tia1012 said...

I agree CNN, Myspace, and NBC are all good websites to visit if you want to see video clips. I didn't know you watch HEROS. It is a good show...huh. WE should discuss this in class. Good websites!!

Scott Connor said...

I love the fact that you can watch shows on websites, I know ABC was the first, but others do it now as well. Also, who doesn't like myspace? For some of the music alone it's worth it to browse.

Kirb said...

i had no idea so many people watched all these TV shows on the web.. I thought since the addition of tevo or dvr that it wouldn't be necessary but it looks like im wrong... interesting, i'll have to check out some of the sites now..

chevyluvs112 said...

Not a big fan of myspace but they have some interesting videos.