Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blog 9

I think that using the web to teach a course is a very good idea. Having somewhere that teachers, students, and parents can't turn to when you're unreachable is something that would help possibly straighten out some confusion. I don't know that my understanding has necesarily though on any web topics.

Blog 8

I learned in this class that websites take a lot more time than remembered they did to create. The biggest thing for me was trying to remember how to most of things I used to be able to do. The one problem I had was using the latest version of Dremweaver when the last i used was Dreamweaver 6. I did find the couple of books I got to be pretty useful when it came to creating the button that leads you into my site. One other thing that is useful is to keep a similar layout throughout the pages and use that as a template so your site looks uniformed on the way it is done.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

7 websites with video

Some of the websites I go to that use videos to enhance what the content are about are cnn, myspace, and nbc. Cnn is good about using video for interviews as well as news stories. myspace uses videos to show movie previews as well as music videos, comercials and other things. I go to nbc frequently to watch my missed episodes of heroes, since it is on monday nights at 9 and i usually miss most of it. Some things I don't like about some of these sites and there use of video is that myspace usually has alot of videos that start automatically and makes the pages load a lot slower.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Website blog 3

For the website I am going to create, it is going to be a Flash site. I haven't exactly done one of these in a long time and I can't exactly everything it entails since its been so long. For my pages I plan to have my own homepage explaining a little bit about me and what idea along with links to my other pages including school stuff such as: a class that I want to teach one day with a syllabus and an e-mail for people to contact me. Other pages that will be included will be a warcraft page, a page showing some of airsoft adventures, and one showing my educational experiences to date. This site will be somewhat interactive when i'm done through the use of flash. This site is targeted to a variety of audience depending on the area. My biggest challenge will be relearning flash and the other tools needed and getting myself to do the work. Overall this will be something that will help me in the future.
Blogs I commented on include Janet and Connor's

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Blog 2 Surfing with Ease

Well first of all my favorite three sites are thottbot a site for the warcraft gamers that I use(yes I know I'm a nerd), ups's employee site, and the 5/3 website that I do my banking at. Some of the things that I like about these sites are that first of all they are color coordinated. The site matches the theme of the company and it's consistent throughout. Seond of all navigating through these sites are simple and you can find what your looking for within two or three mouse clicks. This is a good thing for a site because you don't want people to have to dig for information. Also the graphics on the pages aren't very big so it makes it quick to download the page. The sites have a toolbar nested on the left side that helps in the navigation throughout the site.
I commented on Bryce's page and Janet Reis's

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Blog #1 White & Nerdy Online!!!

For those of you who don't know me!!

My name is Adam Dendinger. I currently work at UPS where I have worked for about a year. I've had quite a bit of experience designing websites in high school using different editors such as: Arachnophilia, Adobe GoLive, Macromedia Dreamweaver and Microsoft FrontPage. Overall I would say that Dreamweaver is one of the best editors that I have used. Other than using these I was on a B.P.A. (Business Professionals of America) Web Design Team that placed 3rd in regionals. Granted I haven't done extensive web design in several years but I look forward to getting back to it. I'm looking forward to this class and doing the website. Here are a few sites to checkout that have me on it. Here's my MySpace and Facebook sight see you all on Thursday.

I commented on Brad Kern's blog, and also on Krystle's

Monday, February 26, 2007

Blog 8

When it comes to using video production professionally I will be using it in my career as a Interactive Media teacher. So I will be using it as a way to sell my program and something that I will be able to teach my clas. Along with using it for my career I'm also going to use it for my own home videos.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Blog 7

Well this video that I plan to make is going to be fun. Tia and I are working on it and so far we have had some great ideas but unfortanetly we both don't have the time to do it in. But I did think up a cool idea that would probably work and involve a little less work than trying to act out star wars scenes and add spaceballs to star wars. I was thinking about mashing the music video and song of ridin dirty by chamelion with the video/song of white and nerdy by weird al and maybe shoot some video too because i have the white and nerdy t-shirt along with a few things that could make for a cool movie. Tia and I have to discuss if this is a possiblity and if so how to divvy up the work load. So many projects so little time. I posted on Tia's and Cindy's blog

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Blog 6

For this video i had a hard time trying to find a partner to work with. A lot of the people I had ask either had a partner or said that they were going to work on their own. So for this project I'm working on my own which is kind of too bad because it's fun to work with other people because it helps me more creative and not procrastinate so much. For the next project I believe that Tia and I will be working together and thats just cause we know each other from several classes that we have together. This week I commented on Cindy's and Janet's blog

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Blog 5

Well first off I think that everyone learns a little bit differently. Someone people are visual and some people spatial I think thats the word I'm looking for. Anyways everyone learns differently and for the people that learn visually page layout and design could greatly improve their expereience. Sometimes it just takes that one little thing to spark a kid or grownups imagination and maybe a more creative presentation or way to learn maybe that thing that just gets them over the learning hump.
I commented on Scott's page and Mark's page.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Using Newsletters

Well in my profession of planning on being an Interactive Media teacher, 1st I will probably be teaching the same concepts that are taught here. Another thing is that the program I plan on teaching is involved in BPA so I could use this software to make the annual BPA newsletter and also use it for recruitment material. Oh and here is my one of my later photos from photoshop.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Professional Editing

I think that I will be using image editing quite a bit professionally since I could end up teaching a class very similar to this one. After my degree I would like to teach an interactive media program which would involve doing a lot of images so this would help me a lot in my teaching career. Outside of teaching I can use it to make my digital pictures better and use it to create cd covers for anything such as mixed cd's or picture cd's.
I commented on Jenny Hinz and Tia Brenning

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Tweaking the pics.

Well so far I have enjoyed this class and have found it to be quite interesting. I always get a kick out of tweaking images and really enjoy digital media. One thing I want to do when I get out of this class is get my pictures like a professional has taken and tweaked them. Its really neat what can all be done with a picture from simply taking out red-eye to casting shadows to make it look like things that are added actually fit in the picture. To talk about another one of our topics, I would say that most of my ideas come from things that I've seen before like a place or other pictures or just by what somebody might tell me would be a good idea and then I try it.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

This is who I am

Well a few things about me Adam Dendinger, is that I'm currently here schooling fulltime in Business Education. I've taken some multimedia courses as part of my vocational highschool so I did some photoshop and a different movie making software along with some other programs. I'm planning on touching up my skills that have become a little dull over the years withouth using them. Other than school I am currently working for UPS where I unload trucks or sort packages at 4:30 in the morning...JOY!!!!! Then the homelife includes a girlfriend named Stacey and playing World of Warcraft and if there are any other nerds like me playing let me know. Oh yeah I've also done the whole boyscout thing and went to philmont, got my Eagle Scout and worked on staff at my camp for several years.